№ 13 Top Ten Lists We’ll Never Do

For unlucky number 13, Brian and Melissa reveal the top ten lists that will never appear on the podcast.

Show Notes (expand)


  1. High School moments
  2. Southern foods
  3. Relatives
  4. Makeup brands
  5. Body parts
  6. Chuck Norris jokes
  7. Funerals
  8. Animals with PG-13 names
  9. Sports teams
  10. Torture devices


  1. Numbers
  2. Shades of green
  3. Pairs of pants
  4. People I know named “George”
  5. Words that rhyme with “wolf”
  6. Uses for sunglasses
  7. Crimes I’d like to commit
  8. Family members
  9. Religions
  10. Prospects if my spouse dies