How to subscribe

Subscribing in a podcast app will automatically download new episodes.

  1. Download Google Podcasts or the podcast app of your choice.

  2. Tap the 🔍 button.

    Step 1 for subscribing on Android
  3. Search for ten to one.

    Step 2 for subscribing on Android
  4. Tap on our logo.

    Step 3 for subscribing on Android
  5. Tap ➕ Subscribe.

    Step 4 for subscribing on Android
  6. You will get a notification when an episode has downloaded. Tap the notification to see the new episode, or open the app and tap on the Ten to One tile.

  7. Enjoy the podcast!

  1. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad.

    Step 1 for subscribing on iOS
  2. Tap the Search button in the bottom menu.

    Step 2 for subscribing on iOS
  3. Search for Ten to One.

    Step 3 for subscribing on iOS
  4. Find and tap on the Ten to One podcast (it should be the first one listed).

    Step 4 for subscribing on iOS
  5. Tap the SUBSCRIBE button.

    Step 5 for subscribing on iOS
  6. Tap the Library button, then on the podcast. Then tap on any episode to download and listen.

    Step 6 for subscribing on iOS
  7. New episodes will download automatically.

  8. Enjoy the podcast!

  1. Download and install iTunes.

  2. Open iTunes and click File, then Subscribe to Podcast.

    Step 1 for subscribing on Windows
  3. Enter the feed URL: and click OK.

    Step 2 for subscribing on Windows
  4. You do not need to sync, but you should select Automatically download new episodes for your subscriptions, then click Continue.

    Step 3 for subscribing on Windows
  5. Listen to an episode by double-clicking it.

    Step 4 for subscribing on Windows
  6. Open iTunes to listen to the podcast. New episodes will be automatically downloaded.

  7. Enjoy the podcast!